Rice v0.1.1 |
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IntroductionRice is a Ruby ICE implementation. Specifically, it implements an ICE syndicator that publishes time stamps and an ICE subscriber that consumes time stamps. Rice was developed based on the "ICE Implementation Cookbook: Getting Started with Web Syndication" by Adam Souzis, Laird Popkin, Sami Khoury, and Bruce Hunt. This document may be found on the ICE specification Web page. The Information and Content Exchange (ICE) is an XML-based protocol for content syndication and subscription. For more information, see the ICE specification Web page. Ruby is an object-oriented scripting language by Yukihiro Matsumoto. Visit the official Ruby Web site for more information. Rice is developed and maintained by Jim Menard, jimm@io.com. The official Web page of the module is http://rice.sourceforge.net, where the latest release may be found. DocumentationThe documentation page contains links to the User's Manual and RDocs. DownloadDownload the latest version (0.1.1) from SourceForge. The download contains the Ruby code and the documentation. ChangesHere is a summary of the major changes in version 0.1.1:
Bugs and Missing FeaturesBesides the bugs contained in the file TODO, here are a few bugs that have been found:
Copying and WarrantyRice is copyrighted free software by Jim Menard and is released under the same license as Ruby. WarrantyTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Site contents © 2001 - 2025 by Jim Menard. All rights reserved. |